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To partecipate:

Download the document here

send the video recording of a Eufonia composition through one of the channels available to you (email, facebook or instagram) by June 7, 2020.

Like and follow social pages (to be tagged).

On June 9, 2020 we will upload all the material on our social pages:

  • instagram: @edizionieufonia
  • facebook: Eufonia Music Editions @EdEufonia

From the moment they are loaded the contest and the counting will begin.

The end of the competition will be at 11:59 pm on June 28, 2020

Have you never bought one of our composition?

Don’t worry, the Eufonia Music Editions have thought of that too. Choose one of the following freely downloadable in digital format from our website:


  • all clarinet formations can participate: from solo clarinet to clarinet choir (with the possibility of piano and / or percussion accompaniment)
  • execution of an original prodution composition of Edizioni Musicali Eufonia (to be verified in case of winning)
  • like the page (to be able to tag you in your videos and be able to share them)
  • sending the video by June 7, 2020, a small description is appreciated
  • who wants to compete can appear in no more than 3 videos

The video does not have to be new, but the counting will start from scratch and above all only from the moment of our publication.


The 2 winning videos will be chosen for:

  • more “likes” Facebook
  • more “likes” Instagram

In the event of a tie, the winner will be selected at the discretion of the edizioni Musicali Eufonia.

If a video excels in both categories, the video in question and the second video with the most “likes” will be considered winners.


Each of the 2 videos will win a piece of chamber music of your choice, for each clarinetist component a box of Var 3.1 reeds will be given free of charge (up to a maximum of 10 boxes). The videos will be posted on the website of the Eufonia Music Editions.



× Ciao, come posso aiutarti?